
Monday, May 30, 2011

The Super Six Spring Spectacular!!!

Ok, so maybe I had a bit too much fun with alliteration - hahaha!!!  I always love doing session with the Super Six!!!   They are so fun to talk to, play with, and photograph!!!   Six bright personalities all together in one group!!!  

Adam and Julie are amazing parents!!!!   I won’t go into all the details because (A) you can read more about them on Julie’s blog and (B) because I'll get all emotional and cry . . . super short version:  Weston is four years old and has had four open heart surgeries. He has a very rare genetic heart defect and was the youngest child in the USA to have the heart surgery that he had before turning one. People often forget how sick Weston is (he currently struggles with cardio-pulmonary episodes where he turns blue and is in need of a heart-lung transplant) because he has such an amazing strong spirit!!! He stubbornly refuses to accept the doctors prognosis and absolutely loves life!!! And Julie & Adam make sure he gets to enjoy it to the fullest with his fabulous siblings Easton, Emery, Sutton, & Avery and his cousin Abby!!!  


Meet Easton:

Meet Weston:

Meet Emery: 

Meet Abby:

Meet Sutton:

Meet Avery:

And you're probably wondering . . . what do all the other children do while I'm photographing only one of them . . . well, aside from chasing duckies . . . I turned around and there they were!!! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ashley, Olivia, & Layla's Spring Session!!!

Wow!!!  Well, I realize it has been awhile, but I FINALLY got to meet Ashley and her two beautiful daughters Olivia & Layla!!! 

You may remember Layla from last fall . . . she was the adorable little skunk and WINNER of my Halloween Contest!!!  Due to some crazy snow and an uncharacteristic mistake on my part, which Ashley was super understanding and gracious about, we kept having to re-schedule.  I am so glad we did!!!  We had such a fabulous session together!!!  Ashley is such a fun and wonderful mom . . . her girls just seem to adore her, and Ashley's mom was even there to hang out with us!!!  And Olivia and Layla both were perfect little models!!!  They played in the field, climbed on logs, fences, and chairs . . . and Olivia even got to climb a tree for the first time!!!  I thought she was a pro!!!  She went as high as was possible in the apple tree before I even knew she was up there . . . in a dress!!!  If you can climb a tree in a dress, I think you might just be able to take over the world!!!
