
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I LOVE New York!!!

September 11, 2001 is one of those days you never forget.  I hope that today, eleven years later we all find ourselves in a much better place.  I hope we remember not just the pain of that day, but the lessons we learned in the days that followed.  Remember that hate never solves anything but only succeeds in eating away at your spirit.  Remember to hold your loved ones tighter.  Remember to call your friends or family members you don't see often enough to tell them you love them.  Remember to take a moment to breathe and enjoy life.  Remember to be thankful you live in a nation that is free and where people are willing to risk their lives abroad and on our own soil every day to help protect or rescue others.  Remember what is really important:  People and Relationships.

In last year's blog, I reflected upon and share where I was and what I felt the 36 hours after the attacks on the World Trade Center.  Today, I hope that I have learned to never take one moment or one person God has placed in my life for granted.  I'm sure I will mess up . . . it's human nature.  But today, I will be thankful for an amazing life, astounding friends and family, and love!!!  And I'm going to spend the rest of this blog doing what I do best . . . reliving my favorite happy memories of New York City in pictures!!!  


This was my first second time in NYC, and Stephanie & I talked to this lovely man at The Plaza (he liked our southern accents) in exchange for hearing his real NY accent (which he covers while working - haha!).

Brooklyn Bridge

Ladies Trip to NYC!!!  Getting ready to head out for Dinner and the Theatre!!!

Jaycee, Me, & Stephanie visit the Huxtable Brownstone from "The Cosby Show!"

Lady Liberty

Serendipity 3 Frozen Hot Chocolate!!!

The first time Patrick & I went to NYC together, he took me out for dinner and ballroom dancing at the Rainbow Room (65th Floor of the GE Building). It was amazing!!  I should note -- we attempted to ballroom dance - hahaha!!!  I just wanted to be on the revolving dance floor looking at the Empire State Building all lit up ;-)  This was three months before the planes hit the World Trade Center.

Who knew that 8 years later, my mom would convince the maitre d' to let us into the Rainbow Room and Grille for their closing night, after almost 75 years.  We had a blast!!!  Rebecca even played the piano in the ballroom (see below)!!!

Cipriani still has restaurants open in Italy, NYC, and around the world if you're interested!!!  I also love Harry Cipriani on 5th Ave!!!  Best staff EVER!!!!

Rebecca rockin' The Rock!!!

Kaitlyn & Meagan at the Empire State Building!!
Palm Court!!!

Mom, Meagan, Kaitlyn, & Me at Macy's!!!

Kaitlyn's first NYC Shopping Trip . . . SAKS!!!

St. Patrick's Cathedral

Me, Taylor, & Mom at Serendipity 3

This should pretty much make you feel better no matter what you have to pay for parking (unless of course, you live in NYC or some other similar city) . . . WHOAH!!!  To put my life in perspective . . . I complain about $30.00 / month in parking - hahaha!!!

Thank you for taking a walk down memory lane with me!!!  The hate and horrors of the attacks eleven years ago will forever be etched in my mind, but I am so thankful that I have made thousands of memories in New York City, at home, and around this wonderful nation that far outweigh the bad.  And it is those memories, the memories of the Americans standing up together united, and the heroes who lost their lives doing their jobs or trying to help others that make America great . . . that make freedom worth fighting for!!!  Prayers for those who lost loved ones in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the 3rd downed plane.  And I'd like to give a huge THANK YOU to the Firefighters, the Police Officers, the EMTs, the Special Agents, the Military Men & Women, and the Civilians who risk their lives putting others first!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole, I just finished scrolling thru the pics and it just touched my heart!!! What memories we have had in that city. love you and thank you!!