
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Summer with Carson & Holland!!!

I always have sooo much fun with these two fabulous families!!!  Mike, Michelle, Carson, Jason, Maren, & Holland met up with me at the gardens for a fun day of summer photos!!!

Carson & Holland were equipped with American flags, and they led us through the gardens to the most fun and hidden spots!!!  They even led us to places I've never seen there!!!  Such a blast exploring!!!!  Holland loved the purple fence (my personal fave) and sunflowers . . . Carson loved the big blue truck and old gas pump . . . and both of them loved running around the fountain and climbing trees!!!  These two are fast movers, so I hope you can keep up!!!

And just for nostalgia . . . here is a image from my first session with Carson & Holland in 2010!!!  They've grown sooo much!!!!  Soooo CUTE!!!!


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