
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brad & Wendy say, "I Do"

Someone once said, "When you decide you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!"  And so it was when Brad decided he was completely in love with Wendy!!!  (bonus points if you know where the quote is from - hahaha!)

These two are sooo perfect together!!!  They complement one another so well and are incredibly thoughtful, putting people immediately at ease being around them!!!  But one thing they have in common is that they are both fairly cautious individuals.  They think before they leap and are laid back and rational (yes, if you know me, you know I LOVED hanging out and working with them).  So, it was a bit of a surprise to Brad's best man when one Friday he announced he was going to go look at rings . . . and bought one THAT day!!!  His best man asked him when he might propose, and Brad's response . . . "This weekend!"  He wasted no time!!  When you know you have found that amazing person who you want to be with forever, you are driven to action!!!  They really are amazing together, and their wedding was exactly what you would expect -- ELEGANT & GORGEOUS!!! 

You can check out their engagement session here.


We had such a wonderful time Saturday morning  . . . I went with the ladies to Bebe Salon for breakfast, mimosas, and curls!!!

And the most beautiful details . . . 

Behind the Scenes with the Ladies . . .

Behind the Scenes with the Men . . .


The Beautiful Bride & Ladies . . .


The Dashing Groom & Men . . .

My Most FAVORITE Part!!!!


Mr. & Mrs.

And on to the party!!!


Anonymous said...

I felt like I followed this awesome couple thru out their wedding day!! I even started crying at certain pics, I was sooo awed by the pics. Thank you for sharing and just an absolutely beautiful layout and wedding. thank you!!

Judi Rose said...

Wow! Beautiful couple and fabulous wedding. I agree that I almost felt I was there. Great photography capturing precious memories. Congratulations and may God continue to bless you both.
