** And check out the fabulous message from Jamie at the end about her beautiful girls!!!

Janae used to say at least once a week, "Mommy, I want a little sister." She really wanted someone to play with at home, and being an only child myself I wanted her to have a sibling. Janae was almost 5 when I found out I was pregnant with Jada, so she was old enough to really get into the pregnancy thing. When I told her I had a baby in my belly she said, "I'm going to have a SISTER!" I told her that may or may not be the case, that we would find out a little later in my pregnancy. I had a huge feeling I was having a boy, but Janae was not deterred in her thinking. Instead of prenatal vitamins I had Flintstone gummies. Janae loved getting them out of the container for me, in fact, she would only give me the Pebbles ones. When I asked her why only Pebbles she replied, "I'm feeding you the girl ones so you will have a girl!" When it was confirmed in my ultrasound that I was having a girl Janae just knew it was because of those gummies! lol.
Janae has been the best big sister over the last year and I'm so glad Jada has her to look up to. Now she does forget sometimes that her sister can't quite do all the things she can do. For instance, when the girls were getting their pics made in the creek and Janae let go of Jada's shoulders because she was distracted. Jada started going forward and I think Nicole and I both yelled to Janae to grab her sister before she fell in the water! I don't think Jada would have cared much because she LOVES splashing in the water and that's just what she did at the end of her photo session.
Yes, that cute little dress got very dirty, but I know those little moments watching your child explore life are worth it. The fun that she was having in that creek far exceeded my worry over laundry.
I love watching my girls play and laugh together. Although there is a 5.5 year age difference between the two, I have no doubt they will be best friends for life! Their smiles are what motivate me each day (and as you can see from their pictures they both have beautiful smiles, even with missing teeth :) . It truly brings tears to my eyes when I think about how much God has blessed me with my two little girls. They are both even more beautiful on the inside than they are on the outside, and for that I am so grateful! In this last year Jada has shown me that while she is her older sister's opposite, I am able to love them exactly the same. Some people ask me if I am going to have a little boy since I have two girls, but the answer is no. My family is complete now that I have my two little princesses and I wouldn't change a thing.
Over the last year I am so glad Nicole has been willing to fight tall grass, get muddy walking under a boardwalk, and wade through a creek holding my children in order to capture precious moments in time that we can have forever! Nicole, I thank you for going above and beyond to make these photos the best they possibly can be and really caring about what you do. I have always been so proud to show others my family pictures done by Leverton Photography and will continue to do so for years to come!
- Jamie (Momma to Nae Nae and Jada Bug)
I loved reading the blog for this.These girls are beautiful and love all the pics!!!!!!! On each picture, I could almost see a story there. Loved these and thank you for sharing.
These are adorable and amazing Nicole!!! Such great emotion and captures! I especially love the one of Jada on the bench - love the composition! Keep it up girl!
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