Her favorite way to get the double shock and awe in was to start out . . . "I'm pregnant!!!" As soon as all the ooooos and awwws and "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" faded down, she would pull out her ultrasound and point, "Right there is the baby, and right there is it's yolk sack . . . (pause for the awwws) . . . and right there is the other baby, and there is it's yolk sack!" Dead silence or gasps . . . interupted by her throwing her hands in the air in excitement as she proclaimed "We're having TWINS!!!" Hahaha!!! Seriously, it was soooo fun just watching her do it!!!
She is approximately four months along now, and we just found out they are both BOYS!!!! Soooo exciting, and the shopping has already begun!!! These little boys will be the next models for GQ!!!
I am soooo fortunate to have the privilege to work with many amazing parents out there!!!! You all have been an inspiration, and I know several of you have adorable little twins yourselves, soooooo . . . I am hoping you all (parents of one, two, multiples, or 10 children) will chime in and leave some helpful advice, words of wisdom, or funny stories for my little sis and her wonderful husband!!!
(if it is a private comment that you don't care to post on a blog, please type "PRIVATE!" in the comment, and I will save it for her but will not post it)
THANK YOU ALL soooo much!!!! You're the BEST!!!!

loved this pic of my youngest with the twinsies!!! thank you nicole. We are soo excited you are our photographer. love you and thank you again. You really capture the emotions.
Congrats auntie! I wish much love and happiness to your sister and your entire family! Can't wait to see the newborn photos you capture!!!
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