
Friday, May 13, 2011

Twirling, Nutella, and MORE!!!

Do you ever just have one of those amazing days when things just seem perfect??  Nothing extraordinary . . . really just a typical day in your life but you are just sooo thankful and blessed by the little things . . . I am having one of those days!!! 

I woke up still a little excited about the arrival of the new 32GB Scan Disk Extreme that my sweet hubby ordered for me!!!  I have several Scan Disk Extremes, but my biggest one was 8GB, so I am thrilled at the prospect of not having to change memory cards so often!!!

The weather is gorgeous!!!!  I wasn't even upset that I ended up having to park in a lot over 1/2 mile from my destination this morning . . . I bounced down the street in my white sundress with my Versace sunglasses and orthopedic Finn Comfort shoes - hahaha!!!  If you have met me, you might have noticed that I LOVE wearing fun skirts and dresses, but I also LOVE my happy feet and frequently wear shoes that may not quite be the most fashionable to go with the outfit (sometimes just to make my sister cringe) - hahaha!!!  I'd also like to be one of those girls who can float down the street, but I'm pretty sure I just bounce ;-)

...and yes, I realize those are NOT orthopedic shoes, but it is the only pic I could find quickly of me in my white sundress . . . and blogs are better with pictures ;-)

I had to get some paperwork done today, and while filing is not my most favorite task in the world, you know what IS fun???  TWIRLING!!!!  Gliding across the office floor in a chair on wheels twirling in circles as you go =)  From computer to filing cabinet to desk to hole puncher to computer to printer to filing cabinet and away we go . . . I LOVE it!!!!

I was having so much fun that for lunch I decided I needed some chocolate (shocking, I know) . . . soooo . . . I drove downtown (not to Wendy's . . . I'll get there).  I had the most amazing parking experience of my life.  Seriously, I am not a bad parallel parker . . . I'm just not a great one.  And while I like to think I do well under pressure, this trait apparently does NOT extend to parallel parking.  Picture it:  Sicily 1934 . . . whoops, that was a sitcom . . . ok, so Picture it:  Downtown Gay Street 12 o'clock lunch traffic!!!  Only one spot left (the 10 minute parking) on the street . . . cars coming at me from both sides . . . the car behind me is waiting . . . I pull up next to the front car and with one amazing swoop, I backed perfectly into the parking spot on the first try!!!!  Seriously, this was a miracle!!!  I typically get really nervous when a car is waiting in the road behind me and get rushed and then somehow mess up in such a way that I end up trying repeatedly to straighten the car up before getting super embarrassed, giving up, and driving off to pay to park in some distant lot . . . so getting a spot on the street right in front of the store was fabulous!!!!

Then in Mast General, I ran into this fabulous lady I hadn't seen in years!!!  We had briefly met at a craft party (don't laugh -- I know I am not crafty, but I tried) and have a couple of mutual friends . . . she is sooo sweet!!!  It was so fun to run into her, and she helped me find the best pair of new Chacos ever, which just added to the perfectness of this fabulous day!!!!

Determined to get chocolate, I skipped my customary downtown bottle of Cheerwine (for those of you who are not from the Southeast . . . Cheerwine is the best cherry soda ever and made with REAL sugar when you buy it in glass bottles, which is the ONLY way to drink soda in my opinion) because I was on a mission . . . a FROSTY!!!!  I stopped by Wendy's for a chocolate frosty and enjoyed it as I walked back to my office!!!

Obviously, my lovely day doesn't end there, but since I have rambled way more than I intended to . . . I will sum everything else up . . . I hope to arrive home to my new Gary Fong Diffuser (for the camera flash) AND possibly my new Wedding Dress Hanger for the wedding this weekend (whoo hoo)!!!  And then, this evening I will be enjoying my new jar of Nutella (courtesy of my amazing hubby) with some Graham Crackers because that is how you end a perfect day!!!!  


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