(see sometimes they look like they like each other)
This year, at my sister's recommendation, I added Blow Pops to my 98% Chocolatey mix, and they were a HIT!!! One little girl exclaimed, "I have been waiting all night for suckers!!!" Hahaha!!! Soooo cute!!! I wish I could share my sister's stories (she had over 200 trick-or-treaters - 4x more than me - and way funnier stories), but my most amusing trick-or-treaters were two boys who were at least 8-10 years old. They ran up my hill with bounds of enthusiasm in their horrific costumes (one was a very convincing Michael Myers and the other some type of Zombie / Mummy). When they reached the top of the hill, I smiled and told them they could pick whatever they wanted out of the pumkin -- both boys jumped and threw their masks back exclaiming, "Whoah!!" One boy explained, "You scared me!!! I thought you were a skeleton!!!" Ok, I don't dress up for Halloween. I'm sitting on my porch in my black dress pants and my red coat . . . if I look like a skeleton, I'm a little concerned that I'm obviously doing something wrong - hahahaha!!!!
Ok - enough of my Trick-or-Treating stories . . . on with the pictures!!! I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!!!!

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